Python – Modules and Packages


Introduction to a Module

  • Any file containing logically organized Python code can be used as a module.
  • A module generally contains any of the defined functions, classes and variables. A module can also include executable code.
  • Any Python source file can be used as a module by using an import statement in some other Python source file.

Importing a module

Two ways of importing a module:

  • First way:
    • Specify a module along with ‘import’ key word.
    • A dot operator can be used to access attributes and methods of imported module.
#mymath module
def square(x):
    'Returns square of a number'
    return x**2
import mymath
s=[mymath.square(num) for num in n]
#Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
  • Second way:
    • Allows the user to directly access the attributes and methods of a module, without using a dot operator.
    • The attributes and methods of the imported module types are imported directly into the local namespace. And, they are available directly, without qualification by module name.
    • All the available attributes and methods, of a module can be imported using *.
#mymath module
def square(x):
    'Returns square of a number'
    return x**2
from mymath import square
s=[square(num) for num in n]
#Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]


  • A package is a collection of modules present in a folder.
  • The name of the package is the name of the folder itself.
  • A package generally contains an empty file named in the same folder, which is required to treat the folder as a package.
  • Python packages can contain other packages within them to an arbitrary depth — provided each sub-package also has its own ‘’ file.